Takeda Nobuhiro no Super League Soccer is a soccer simulation game developed by Jaleco Entertainment for the Super Famicom, released exclusively in Japan in 1994. Serving as a sequel to Takeda Nobuhiro no Super Cup Soccer, it features club teams inspired by the Japan Professional Football League's J. League Division 1, incorporating enhanced gameplay options while maintaining the original's core structure.
Takeda Nobuhiro no Super League Soccer (`Nobuhiro Takeda's Super League Soccer`) is a soccer simulation video game licensed/endorsed by Takeda Nobuhiro, published by Jaleco Entertainment for the Super Famicom console, which was released exclusively in Japan in 1994.
This game is a sequel to Takeda Nobuhiro no Super Cup Soccer. It features club teams based on the top division of Japan Professional Football League J. League Division 1 (though unlicensed) instead of national teams. While it kept largely the same structure of the original game, some new options were added.