Tales of Phantasia is a role-playing game developed by Namco, released in 1995 for the Super Famicom. It marks the inaugural title in the Tales series and is notable for its innovative real-time battle system and advanced graphics for the era. The game also features a fully vocalized theme song, making it a standout title that pushed the capabilities of the Super Nintendo console.
Tales of Phantasia is the first installment of the Tales series, and was released by Namco in 1995 for the Super Famicom. Released at the end of 1995, Tales of Phantasia is considered one of the crowning achievements for its time. It has graphics that push the console to its limits, an original never-before-seen battle system, and the addition of actual voices and voice actors. It is also the first and only Super Famicom game to feature an entirely original, vocalized theme song featured directly in the game.