The Great Battle Gaiden 2: Matsuri da Wasshoi is a side-story installment in The Great Battle series for the Super Nintendo. Set against the backdrop of a Japanese festival, players combat an alien invasion using characters such as Ultraman, Kamen Rider, and Knight Gundam. The game combines platforming with shoot 'em up elements, featuring unique enemies and gameplay mechanics. It succeeded Tekkyu Fight! The Great Battle Gaiden but was never released in English.
The Great Battle Gaiden 2: Matsuri da Wasshoi (Matsuri refers to a Japanese festival, at which `wasshoi` is regularly chanted) is an off-beat `gaiden` (side story) game in The Great Battle sub-franchise: the flagship games of the Compati Hero Series. The game is based around an alien invasion during a festival, and the four heroes (Ultraman, Kamen Rider, Knight Gundam from Gundam and Fighter Roar, a character created for The Great Battle series).
The game has a mix of genres. The chief gameplay is a platformer where the player can leap up and down floors similar to Ninja-Kid or Mr. Goemon. If the player enters a flying gate, they are escorted to a shoot 'em up stage in which they control a flying lobster fighting samurai heads and Maneki Nekos.
The Great Battle Gaiden 2 follows the Game Boy game Tekkyu Fight! The Great Battle Gaiden, released the previous year. Like every The Great Battle game and its Japanese pop culture-specific heroes, the game was never localized into English.