Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge is a sequel to the acclaimed Wizardry fantasy role-playing game series released a decade prior. The game, responsible for breaking new grounds in the genre, sold over two million copies and garnered numerous accolades. Bane of the Cosmic Forge, released for the Super Nintendo, expanded upon this legacy, further redefining expectations of the fantasy role-playing genre. Known for its intricate simulations, it pushed the capabilities of contemporary computer technologies, as well as challenged the cognitive abilities and adventuring capacities of its players.
Ten years ago, Wizardry set the standards in Fantasy Role-Playing (FRP). Now after two million copies have been sold and dozens of awards have been won, Bane of the Cosmic Forge raises and redefines those standards. This new Wizardry , the truest simulation ever of Fantasy Role Playing, will push your computer, your mind, and your sense of adventure to their very limits. Only through the power of the latest computer technology could the full dimensions of this new genre in FRP be possible.