Yuujin Janjuu Gakuen is a mahjong game developed by Varie for the Super Famicom. Set in a veterinary school, players can choose to control one of three heroines or customize their own character to compete against various opponents. The game features character designs by prominent manga artist U-Jin and has not been released outside Japan, followed by a sequel titled Yuujin Janjuu Gakuen 2.
An anime-themed Mahjong game from Varie for the Super Famicom. Features artwork from prominent manga artist U-Jin.
Yuujin: Janjyu Gakuen (`U-Jin: Sparrow Veterinary School`, roughly) is a mahjong game published by Varie. The player can assume the role of any of three heroines, or create their own, as they take on opponents throughout their eponymous school. The game includes a collaboration with manga artist U-Jin (birth name: Ube Yamaguchi), who helped create the various anime characters and is featured in the game's title.
Like many mahjong games, Yuujin: Janjyu Gakuen was never released outside of Japan. It was followed with a sequel: Yuujin: Jankyu Gakuen 2.