Yuuyu no Quiz de Go! Go! is a quiz game developed by Taito for the Super Famicom, released in 1992. Featuring teen idol Yukiko Iwai, known as Yuuyu, the game challenges players with questions spanning topics like anime and politics. Players must achieve a minimum accuracy rate to progress, while Yuuyu enhances the experience through her digital presence and voice samples.
Quiz game released by Taito for the Arcade (1990) and Super Famicom (1992). The game features teen idol Yukiko Iwai (the eponymous Yuuyu) both in the game and on the cover.
Yuuyu no Quiz de Go! Go! is a quiz game from Taito that uses the likeness of teen idol Yukiko `Yuuyu` Iwai. The player answers questions on various topics from anime to politics to score points, making sure not to accrue too many wrong answers. Success is based on a percentage rather than a quota: in order to pass a round with a requirement of 60, the player has to correctly answer three out of every five questions (or better).
Yuuyu was a member of the idol group Onyanko (Kitten) Club, which were hugely popular in Japan during the late 80s. She emcees the in-game quiz show via digitized photos and voice samples, introducing the many rounds and frequently chanting `Go! Go!`.