Zenkoku Juudan Ultra Shinri Game is a quiz game for the Super Famicom that combines personality-test questions with a geographical TV quiz show theme. It serves as a spin-off of the Shinri Game series, utilizing regional trivia from various prefectures across Japan. This title follows three prior entries in the series, although it is not a direct sequel to The Shinri Game IV on PlayStation.
A spin-off of Visit's Shinri Game quiz series that frames its probing questions with a geographical TV quiz show.
Zengoku Juudan Ultra Shinri Game (`National Longitudinal Slice Ultra Psychology Game`, referring to how the in-game game show selects a region for a question by picking its longitude) is a quiz show for the Super Famicom that opts for questions of a more personality-test nature. With every Shinri Game, these questions are presented with a distinct framing device: in Zengoku Juudan's case, the game is presented as if it was a TV game show that pulls its questions from specific regions and prefectures of Japan.
It follows three previous Shinri Games for the system, but isn't a true sequel - The Shinri Game IV, released on PlayStation in 1998, is the `true` fourth The Shinri Game.