Dragon Knight III is an eroge role-playing video game developed by ELF, released in 1991 for Japanese computers and later for the TurboGrafx CD. A sequel to Dragon Knight and Dragon Knight II, it features a modified gameplay style that emphasizes world exploration, akin to early Final Fantasy games. Notable character name changes occurred in its English and German localized version, Knights of Xentar.
Dragon Knight III is an eroge role-playing video game released on many Japanese PCs in 1991. It is part of the Dragon Knight series of games created by Japanese game developer ELF, who originally released the game for the NEC PC-9801 computer in 1991, followed by ports for the Sharp X68000 and PC Engine CD platforms.
The game is a sequel of Dragon Knight and Dragon Knight II. Its gameplay system is different from that of previous installments of the Dragon Knight series, resembling this of the early Final Fantasy (even more in the PC version) series instead of first-person-view dungeon crawler, and enabling the player to explore the entire world of the game. Some of the characters were renamed in the English and German localized Knights of Xentar release, including the protagonist Takeru's name changed to Desmond.