Super Air Zonk is a shooting game developed for the TurboGrafx CD and serves as the sequel to Air Zonk, a spin-off from the Bonk series. Players control Zonk as he navigates through seven stages set to rockabilly music. Zonk can transform into nine different forms, facing off against the antagonist SandroVitch and utilizing power-ups like the Meat item to achieve forms such as Ultra Zonk and Tyrano Zonk.
Zonk is back in Super Air Zonk, the sequel to the shooting game spin-off of the Bonk series, Air "Zonk." Now moving to a rockabilly beat and able to transform into nine different characters, Zonk lets loose through seven action-packed stages in another battle against his arch nemesis, SandroVitch. Power up Zonk with the classic Meat item, eventually turning him into the champion of justice, Ultra Zonk, or the fearsome Tyrano Zonk in the latter stages of the game.