Zero4 Champ II is a racing video game for TurboGrafx CD, serving as a sequel to Zero4 Champ. In this installment, a young Japanese street racer seeks to reclaim his national pride after being defeated by an American rival. Players engage in various part-time jobs, featuring delivery missions and mini-RPG elements. The game also includes a versus mode with multiple racecourse options, allowing competition against others or AI.
Zero4 Champ II is a sequel to Zero4 Champ. This time, a young Japanese street racer has been defeated by an American who claims that Japan's level is not up to par. His feelings hurt, the youth ventures to the United States, trying to earn enough money and participate in races to defend his national pride. The game is very similar to its predecessor in concept, but offers additional options in the story mode. Part-time jobs now include delivery assignments that play like overhead racing games, as well as tending to dogs of various breeds for money. The security guard assignment plays like a mini-RPG, complete with turn-based combat, experience points, and levels. In addition, it is possible to visit racing tracks and bet money on participants. The versus mode allows players to choose between three courses to compete in, racing against each other (in a top-down mode) or computer AI (first-person).