BioShock Infinite is the third installment in the BioShock series, set in the airborne city of Columbia. Though not a direct sequel or prequel, it retains core gameplay elements from earlier titles. Players navigate diverse environments, utilizing various weapons and combat strategies. The game emphasizes both close-quarters and long-range engagements, allowing for intense confrontations with multiple adversaries.
BioShock Infinite is the third game in the BioShock series. It is not a direct sequel/prequel to any of the previous BioShock games but takes place in an entirely different setting, although it shares similar features, gameplay and concepts with the previous games. BioShock Infinite features a range of environments that force the player to adapt, with different weapons and strategies for each situation. Interior spaces feature close combat with enemies, but unlike previous games set in Rapture, the setting of Infinite contains open spaces with emphasis on sniping and ranged combat against as many as fifteen enemies at once.