Culdcept Saga is a strategy game developed exclusively for the Xbox 360, combining elements of card play and board games. This installment marks the franchise's debut on a Microsoft console, following earlier releases on PlayStation and Sega systems. Launched in Japan in 2006, it reached North America in February 2008, but has not been released in Europe or Australia. A demo was available on Xbox Live in December 2007.
Culdcept Saga (カルドセプト サーガ Karudoseputo Saaga?) is a video game developed exclusively for the Xbox 360 video game console. It is the first entry for a Microsoft console in the Magic-meets-Monopoly game franchise that included previous installments on the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, Sega Saturn and Dreamcast.
A demo of the title was made available to Xbox Live users on December 4, 2007. The demo includes two different pre-made card decks and supports both single player gameplay and local multiplayer for up to four players.[1] Initially released in Japan in 2006, the full game wasn't released in North America until more than a year later, in February 2008, but has never been released in Europe or Australia.