Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 is a fighting game for Xbox 360 that features a robust roster of over 90 characters, including 20 new fighters. The game emphasizes destructible environments and signature attacks, allowing players to unleash combo strings using Pursuit Attacks. A new Raging Soul System enhances combat capabilities, marking an evolution in the Dragon Ball series with additional modes and environmental effects.
Dragon Ball Z fans can rest assured that the destructible environment, and character trademark attacks and transformations will be true to the series. These include signature Pursuit Attacks which enable players to initiate attack combo strings, juggling your opponent in a string of devastating strikes throughout the environment. Additionally, Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 will sport the new Raging Soul System which enables characters to reach a special state, increasing their combat abilities to the ultimate level. Sporting more than 90 characters, 20 of which are brand new to the Raging Blast series, new modes, and additional environmental effects, Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 is the next evolution in the home console series.