Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends is a fighting game developed for Xbox 360, featuring the iconic character Po alongside various friends and foes from the franchise. Players engage in fast-paced multiplayer battles across familiar locations, utilizing a roster of 20 beloved characters. The game combines humor with action, appealing to fans of martial arts and brawler genres.
The lovable martial arts panda bear, Po, and his many friends and adversaries in the Valley of Peace will face off in the ultimate martial arts challenge ... the first-ever Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends! Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends will bring fans a fresh and fist-pumping way to experience DreamWorks Animation's beloved franchise with explosive, fast-as-lightning action! With a variety of challenging multiplayer levels, familiar film locations and 20 playable fan-favorite Kung Fu Panda characters, the game will appeal to gamers who like their brawler games served up with a side of laughter.