Portal: Still Alive is an enhanced adaptation of the acclaimed first-person puzzle game originally released on PC. Set in a disturbing research facility, players utilize a unique portal mechanic to navigate complex puzzles while uncovering a darkly humorous storyline. The game features additional content, including 14 new challenges, and offers developer commentary that provides insight into its creation.
Portal: Still Alive is a retooled version of the original smash hit first-person puzzle game, with additional levels and challenges.
As unwilling test subjects in a sinister laboratory, players must break the laws of physics using 'portal' technology to solve puzzles and survive. Featuring a darkly comic story that weaves adventure with brain-bending puzzles; 'Portal: Still Alive' also introduces 14 brand new bonus puzzles to challenge even the most skilled test subjects. Players can also get a glimpse into the making of 'Portal: Still Alive' with commentary from the developers.