Silent Hill: Downpour is the eighth installment in the Silent Hill series, released for the Xbox 360. The game retains elements of exploration, character interaction, and puzzle-solving within a psychological horror framework. Unlike its predecessor, combat returns, allowing players to engage monsters with a limited selection of melee and ranged weapons. A notable feature is the dynamic weather system, including a day-night cycle and rain that signals impending danger.
Silent Hill: Downpour is the eighth Silent Hill video game installment and the last fully-released video game in the series. Just like its predecessors, Downpour combines exploring abandoned surroundings, talking to characters, and solving puzzles, set against a slow, psychological horror theme. Different from the previous game Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is the return of combat. The player often has to fight off monsters using a variety of weapons, but he can carry only one melee and one ranged weapon who can deteriorate over time. Entirely new to the series is the introduction of a weather system: there is a full day and night cycle and rain often warns the player of danger that is approaching. It is possible to hide until the weather becomes better again.