The Wolf Among Us is an episodic adventure game developed by Telltale Games, based on the award-winning comic book series Fables. Set in a gritty, fantastical version of New York City, players assume the role of Bigby Wolf, the sheriff of Fabletown. The narrative unfolds through player choices that significantly impact the story, as Bigby investigates a gruesome murder among the community's fairy tale characters.
The Wolf Among Us is a five-episode series from the creators of the 2012 Game of the Year: The Walking Dead. Based on Fables (DC Comics/Vertigo), an award-winning comic book series, it is an often violent, mature and hard-boiled thriller where the characters and creatures of myth, lore and legend are real and exist in our world. As Bigby Wolf - The Big Bad Wolf in human form - you will discover that the brutal, bloody murder of a Fable is just a taste of things to come, in a game series where your every decision can have enormous consequences.