Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Adventures Episode 4: The Bogey Man is the concluding episode of the series. Following a humorous misunderstanding involving a marriage proposal, Wallace faces commitment issues while navigating his struggling business, Golden Retrieval. The plot centers on a missing deed for the Picklet Thicklet golf club, a persistent source of frustration for the Flitt family.
Wallace & Gromit in The Bogey Man is the fourth and final episode of Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures.
That certainly didn't go as planned at the end of Wallace & Gromit in Muzzled! when Wallace picked up a screw nut in front of Mr. Flitt and she thought he was proposing to her. A dire situation for Wallace who is a little bit afraid of commitment to say the least. At the same time his new business, "Golden Retrieval" - specialist on finding lost items -, is off to a hard start with Major Crum not really knowing what exactly he has lost. Ultimately everything leads to the Picklet Thicklet golf club which has lost it's deed to its golf course and has always been a thorn in the eye of the Flitt-family.