Armed and Dangerous is an action-adventure video game for Xbox that follows a group of unconventional rebels including a robot, a madman, a mole, and a criminal mastermind. Set in a vibrant fantasy world, players embark on a daring heist amidst a chaotic war, battling various enemies, massive war machines, and ruthless robots, armed with an array of creative weapons and unlimited ammunition.
Take a band of gun-toting rebels -a robot, a madman, a mole and a criminal mastermind. Put them in a vividly stunning fantasy realm. Then give them an impossible mission - pulling off the biggest heist of all time in the middle of a war. All you have to do is battle your way through dastardly enemies, giant war machines and an army of psychopathic robots. But don't worry; you have plenty of ammo and absolutely no common sense. Victory is yours in 12,000 bullets or less!