Club Football 2005: Juventus is a soccer video game developed by Codemasters for Xbox, part of a series dedicated to individual teams in European football. Featuring an advanced game engine and enhanced animations, it offers responsive gameplay and precise control. The title includes extensive official team content, new game modes like Career and Practice, along with skill moves and classic scenarios, enriching the player experience.
The follow-up edition to Codemasters' multi-title soccer franchise (each dedicated to a single team in the UK and continental European football league and featuring unique presentation and other team-specific aspects), the 2005 series is powered by an accelerated game engine and new animation system to deliver faster and more responsive gameplay for precise control on the pitch. With twice the amount of official team content in each game, great skill moves and new game modes including Career, Practice and classic Scenarios (plus new clubs added to the line-up), the new Club Football 2005 range will bring players even closer to the heart of the action and the heart of their team.