Enter the Matrix is an action-adventure video game developed by Shiny Entertainment and released in May 2003 alongside The Matrix Reloaded. The narrative aligns with the film's timeline and features over an hour of exclusive footage directed by The Wachowskis, utilizing the original film cast. The game achieved significant commercial success, selling five million copies worldwide.
Enter the Matrix is the first video game based on The Matrix series of films. Its story was concurrent with that of The Matrix Reloaded, and featured over an hour of original footage, directed by The Wachowskis and starring the cast of the film trilogy, produced exclusively for the game. It sold one million copies in its first eighteen days of release, 2.5 million over the first six weeks, and ultimately 5 million copies.
First released in May 2003, the same month as The Matrix Reloaded, Enter the Matrix was simultaneously produced with The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions. It was developed by Shiny Entertainment, published by Atari and distributed by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for the GameCube, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2 and Xbox.