Fable is an action role-playing game developed for Xbox, where players shape their characters through choices affecting skills, appearances, and morality. Progressing from childhood to old age, players can pursue paths of good or evil, with the world responding to their actions. Relationships evolve based on decisions, leading to various societal reactions, ultimately challenging players to define their identity.
In Fable, the players' every action determines their character's skills, appearances and moralities. Life stories are created from childhood through adulthood and on to old age. Players may choose the paths of righteousness or dedicate their characters' lives to evil; observing as they transform into reflections of their actions and decisions. As players' characters develop, the world reacts to them and their actions. People comment on their successes, failures, appearances and behaviors. Their many opinions are expressed through applause, mockery, trepidation, panic and even flirtation. With each person characters aid and every creature they slay, the world is changed forever. In Fable, gamers decide: `Who will I be?`