Far Cry Instincts is a first-person shooter game developed for Xbox, focusing on Jack Carver, a former Navy operative. After his dishonorable discharge, Jack becomes embroiled in the criminal underworld by supplying illicit arms. Following a violent incident involving the Mafia, he escapes to Micronesia, where he must confront mercenaries and uncover hidden conspiracies while fighting for survival.
The game follows the story of a man named Jack Carver. Carver is a former service member of the United States Navy, who was dishonorably discharged following a number of illegal actions. Afterwards, he sets up a shop in Manhattan and begins supplying illegal arms to anyone and everyone, until a gang performs a hit using weapons supplied by Jack against a Mafia heir. Consequently, a price is put on his head by the Mob, and he was forced to flee the United States and settle in Micronesia.