Gungriffon: Allied Strike is a first-person shooter set in a dystopian future where dwindling resources lead to violent conflicts among factions. Players assume the role of a renegade soldier in an anti-tank unit, utilizing a High Mobility Armored Combat System to combat enemy forces and advanced machinery. The game features Xbox Live support for multiplayer modes and offers diverse mission objectives.
GunGriffon: Allied Strike takes place in a hostile futuristic world where there is little hope for survival among the human race. The earth's resources have been exhausted and people are continuously splitting into groups to fight for what is left of it. The player takes on the role of a renegade soldier, enlisted in an anti-tank troop, whose prime mission is to take down armored tanks, the ultimate ground weapon used to destroy the earth and any living thing that gets in its way. The player uses his entrusted machine, a `High Mac` (High-Mobility Armored Combat System), to fight the battery of armed soldiers and sinister machines that await them on the battlefield. The game features full Xbox Live compatibility with a multi-player online mode and a variety of missions.