Hulk is an action-adventure video game released for Xbox, based on the film featuring Eric Bana. Players control both Dr. Bruce Banner and his alter ego, The Hulk, as they confront a new adversary, The Leader, who seeks to exploit gamma technology to create an army of giants. The gameplay alternates between stealth mechanics for Bruce and brute force for The Hulk, featuring over 40 combat moves.
Based after the events of the blockbuster movie (starring Eric Bana), you play Dr. Bruce Banner and his alter ego, green giant The Hulk. After fighting his way through the first year of his new identity, Bruce and The Hulk must now face a new enemy, The Leader, who wants to use the same gamma technology that created The Hulk in Bruce to develop an army of giants.
Levels in the game have you controlling either Bruce or The Hulk. Bruce must use his smaller size to sneak around areas 'Splinter Cell' style, while The Hulk can bash and blast his way through enemy territory in every way possible, with over 40 different attacks to use.