Magatama is an action game set in medieval Japan, depicting a conflict between the Yamato forces and the Shogun Bakafu. Players assume the role of Shinato, a skilled twin-bladed warrior recruited by Yamato leader Monkan to combat the demon army led by Bakafu general Ashikaga. The gameplay features intuitive controls for executing combos and engaging multiple enemies in dynamic combat scenarios.
Set in a medieval Japan, Magatama tells the story of a war between the forces of the Yamato and the Shogun Bakafu forces. To counter an impending attack from Bakafu general Ashikaga, Monkan of the Yamato forces enlists the help of demon kind from an alternate world. You take control of Shinato, a twin-bladed knight who's out to defeat the demon forces and, eventually Monkan. Magatama is a pure action game, mutiple twin blade attacks and combos can be performed with simple controls, and the fighting engine allows for battles with numerous enemies simultaneously.