Max Payne is a cinematic action shooter developed for Xbox, featuring a gritty narrative centered on a former police officer framed for murder. Set against a backdrop of a brutal New York winter, players navigate a complex storyline filled with betrayals and violence. The game is notable for pioneering Bullet Time mechanics, enhancing its signature slow-motion gunplay and immersive storytelling.
Max Payne is a man with nothing to lose in the violent, cold urban night. A fugitive undercover cop framed for murder, hunted by cops and the mob, Max is a man with his back against the wall, fighting a battle he cannot hope to win. Max Payne is a relentless story-driven game about a man on the edge, fighting to clear his name while struggling to uncover the truth about his slain family amongst a myriad of plot-twists and twisted thugs in the gritty bowels of New York during the century's worst blizzard.
The groundbreaking original cinematic action-shooter, Max Payne introduced the concept of Bullet Time in videogames. Through its stylish slow-motion gunplay combined with a dark and twisted story, Max Payne redefined the action-shooter genre.