Neighbours from Hell is a humorous action-adventure game featuring Woody, who seeks revenge on his troublesome neighbor, Mr. Rottweiler. In a twist of reality TV, players help Woody craft elaborate pranks and traps within Mr. Rottweiler's home. Players aim to create chaos, boost ratings, and earn awards while navigating clever obstacles and cleverly timed mischief.
Woody is an average man who has a happy life, until his neighbor Mr. Rottweiler, makes his life miserable. So Woody decides to take full revenge on Mr. Rottweiler, becoming the star of a new TV show where he performs tricks on his unsuspecting neighbour, setting traps in his house such as sawing the chair, banana peels/soap on the floor, smeared paintings and messing with home equipment. Create disarray, increase ratings, and win awards as you make a living hell out of the neighbour's life!