Spawn: Armageddon is a 3D action-adventure game for Xbox inspired by the comic series created by Todd McFarlane, who contributed to the story. Players control Spawn as he battles the forces of Heaven and Hell to protect the world. Armed with a sentient symbiotic suit and a variety of weapons and Hell Powers, he can also wield Agony, an axe featured in SoulCalibur II.
Spawn: Armageddon is a 3D action/adventure game based on the comic by Todd McFarlane, who also contributed the storyline for the game. Spawn struggles between the forces of Heaven and Hell in order to save the world, equipped with his Hell-sent living symbiotic suit and its chains. A multitude of weapons and Hell Powers are also available. Agony, the axe that Spawn uses in SoulCalibur II is also available as a melee attack weapon.