Spyro: A Hero's Tail is an action-adventure game developed by Eurocom, marking the fifth installment in the original Spyro series and the first for Xbox. Players control Spyro as he confronts a new enemy, Red, a former Dragon Elder. Accompanied by friends Sparx, Hunter, Sgt. Byrd, and Blink, who are playable characters, Spyro embarks on a quest to restore peace. This title concludes the original Spyro continuity for home consoles.
Spyro: A Hero's Tail is the fifth console game in the original Spyro series and the ninth game in the series in all. Developed by Eurocom, it was the first game in the series for the Xbox, as well as the second game in the series for the PlayStation 2 and GameCube (with the former console release being the only one of the three to support widescreen). It is also the final installment in the original Spyro continuity for home consoles. This is also the first and only Spyro game to be completely produced in Europe.
The game introduces a new antagonist, Red, a former Dragon Elder banished years before the events of the game, and sees the protagonist, Spyro the Dragon, attempt to defeat him with the aid of his best friend Sparx, Hunter the Cheetah, flying penguin Sgt. Byrd, and mole Blink, who are all playable.