The Terminator: Dawn of Fate is an action-adventure video game for Xbox, serving as a prequel to the original Terminator film. Players control three characters, each with unique skills, on a mission to travel back to 1984 and stop a T-800 Terminator from killing Sarah Connor. The game features combat against cyborg enemies, offering new weapons and melee abilities to aid in the quest.
The future is what we make it, so let's set the future right.
This prequel to The Terminator film lets you play as three characters--each with specialized skills and abilities. Your ultimate goal is to travel back in time to 1984, with the hope of preventing a relentless Terminator model T-800 from murdering Sarah Connor--mother of resistance leader John Connor. Armies of cyborgs stand in your way, but you'll have plenty of new weapons and melee moves to clear the path.