Whacked! is a multiplayer combat game for Xbox featuring seven quirky contestants in a chaotic game show setting. Players engage in free-for-all battles utilizing unique weapons like giant staplers and rubber duck grenades. Game modes include resource collection, survival against hostile creatures, and intense deathmatches across diverse levels such as an arctic pipeline and a festive kitchen sink.
In Whacked! you are one of seven demented contestants competing on a dangerous game show. Pitted against each other in free-for-all combat, contestants must use power-ups and weapons, such as giant staplers and rubber ducky grenades, to flatten their opponents. The game's various modes have you fighting to collect resources, fending off a horde of man-eating chickens, or exchanging blows in fierce deathmatches. There are more than a dozen levels--including an arctic pipeline, a Christmas tree, and a kitchen sink--for you to conquer.