Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku is an action RPG for Game Boy Advance, where players embark on a quest to thwart the villain Frieza. Featuring gameplay reminiscent of the anime, it incorporates fast-paced battles with special moves. The narrative spans iconic locations like Master Roshi's Island, offering encounters with various characters and intense one-on-one combat over approximately ten hours of gameplay.
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku takes you on an incredible journey to protect the universe from the evil Frieza once and for all. The game follows an RPG style, with battle elements designed similarly to the style of the cartoon, with fireballs, quick moves and more. As the story progresses, you will learn more about the history of the cartoon, meeting a collection of crazy characters and fighting one-on-one battles over long distances as well as close combat. The ten hour quest will take you to Master Roshi's Island, throughout Earth and beyond. Plus an in-game clock keeps tabs on your time limit to complete the game.