DuckTales is a platform game developed and published by Capcom, inspired by the Disney animated TV series. Released in North America for the NES in 1989, it was subsequently ported to the Game Boy. Players control Scrooge McDuck as he seeks treasure worldwide while thwarting rival Flintheart Glomgold. Celebrated for its gameplay and presentation, DuckTales became one of Capcom's top-selling titles and is frequently recognized as a classic NES game.
DuckTales is a platform game developed and published by Capcom and based on the Disney animated TV series of the same name. It was first released in North America for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1989 and was later ported to the Game Boy in 1990. The story involves Scrooge McDuck traveling around the globe collecting treasure and outwitting his rival Flintheart Glomgold to become the world's richest duck.
Produced by key personnel from the Mega Man series, DuckTales would go on to sell over a million copies worldwide on each system, becoming Capcom's best-selling title for both platforms. The game was praised for its tight control, unique and non-linear gameplay and bright presentation, and is often regarded as one of the best titles for the NES, appearing on numerous "Best of" lists.