Breath of Fire IV is a role-playing game developed for the PlayStation, following the saga of dragon people who once vanquished a malevolent goddess. Set against a backdrop of conflict between two continents, the narrative centers on Princess Elena's mysterious disappearance during a war tour. Her sister Nina, the ruler of Windia Kingdom, embarks on a quest to find her with the aid of the hero Ryu.
Breath of Fire IV is a single-player game that continues the story with these "dragon people," who gave their lives to eradicate the evil goddess and restore peace in their world. This time around, battle has broken out between two powerful continents, and the fair Princess Elena has disappeared during a tour of the war-torn region. The princess's sister, Nina, who reigns o'er the Windia Kingdom, vows to retrieve her missing sibling. She meets Ryu along the way, who joins the epic quest