Digimon World 2 is an RPG developed by BEC and published by Bandai for the PlayStation, released in Japan in July 2000 and in North America in May 2001. The game serves as a sequel to Digimon World and features players taking on the role of Akira, a Digimon Tamer, as they navigate dungeons and aim to ascend through various levels in the Digimon universe.
Digimon World 2 is a dungeon crawler video game developed by BEC and published by Bandai for the PlayStation as part of their Digimon series. It is the sequel to the original Digimon World, and was released in Japan in July 2000 and North America the following year in May 2001. The player controls Akira, a Digimon Tamer whose goal is to climb to the top of the Digimon World.