Pokémon Red is one of the inaugural titles in the Pokémon series, released alongside Pokémon Green. As part of Generation I, it set foundational elements for future installments. Players explore the Kanto region, aiming to earn eight Gym Badges and ultimately become the Pokémon Champion, while also seeking to complete the Pokédex by capturing all 151 unique Pokémon species.
Pokémon Red, along with Pokémon Green, are the first video games in the Pokémon series of games. They are the first paired versions of Generation I. Developed over the course of several years, Red and Green established several standards for later Pokémon games and sequels. They take place in the Kanto region, with the player having to collect eight Gym Badges to become the Pokémon Champion while also completing the Pokédex by collecting all 151 Pokémon.