Seiken Densetsu 3, also known as Trials of Mana, is the third entry in the Mana series developed by Square. Set in a vibrant fantasy world, players select three heroes from a roster of six to wield the Mana Sword against a looming ancient evil. The narrative revolves around the restoration of the Mana Tree and the fight to prevent the loss of mana from the world.
Trials of Mana is the third installment of the Mana series, developed by Square under the direction of series creator Koichi Ishii. The game takes place in a new world where, once again, the Mana Tree is under threat from an ancient evil thought sealed away. Players choose three from among six heroes as the chosen wielder of the Mana Sword and their two companions on the journey to claim the holy blade and preserve what remains of mana power.
The power of Mana drains rapidly from the land and the Mana Tree begins to wither…